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Monday, November 21, 2011


Whelp with the holidays rapidly approaching, it is time for annual list of Great-fuls. That's where I list all the things I am thankful for that I think are truly Great (Hence Great-ful! Get it?) I do this as a way of reminding myself that no matter how rough things got the past year or even how rough they might get in years to come, there are always things to be more than grateful for. It always leaves me feeling happier. You should try it. Okay here goes:
1. My Wife- For some strange reason, well over a decade ago, an amazing, attractive and very intelligent woman decided that she loved me enough to spend the rest of her life with me. Since that amazing time, we have had our fights (Some true doozies) and rough times. But we are still together and I love her more today than I did when I married her.
2. My health- Despite the fact that I have diabetes, migraines and more joint pain than the Rockettes, I am very grateful for my health. I have lost 135 pounds, reduced my cholesterol and can ride my bike 10 miles, jog five or walk as long as I want to. If I can keep this up, my Dr. is confident that one day my Diabetes will go into remission and I will no longer need medications. I am in better health than I was in college and I love it.
3. My family- This includes my Bio Family and my Married Family. I also include a select number of non-bio family that are as much my family as anyone else is. I proudly call my mother in law, "Mom" and I feel as close to the rest of my wife's family as I do my own. I recently reconnected with two people who are my brothers in everything but blood and am damned proud of that. Without this amazing FAMILY, my life would be a much darker and lonely place.
4. My "kids"- I am the proud owner of 6 cats and 2 dogs. They make my life better just by being there. Every morning when I wake up, my "kids" greet me with happy noises and lots of attention. I can feel my stress go away and my blood pressure drop just by being around them. Yes they are expensive and sometimes I wonder just how we can afford them, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
5. My friends- Whether it's people that I have known for decades or my eleventeen billion friends on FB, I am grateful for every single one of them. Whether it is an Author friend helping me with my work or a neighbor friend buying my corn on Farmville, I appreciate all of them. They make me smile and they make my life a little bit better.
6. My work- For those of you who don't know I am an Author. Okay not a famous one...yet, but it is what I do. I am grateful for the ability that I have to take the crazy often times weird worlds and people running around in my head and put it down on paper. I may never get rich at it, but I have the sheer joy of watching entire worlds and universes take shape under my finger tips. (Plus it tends to keep me off the streets.)
7. My faith- I won't say what my beliefs are. Anyone who knows me already knows and the rest probably don't care so much. It has never been an easy road and I admit to have wandered off of it more than once and doubted my way more often than that, but I never truly lost it and I think it is stronger now than it has ever been. It sustains me in even the most troubled times and keeps me going when I have doubts about the road ahead of me.

Well, that's my list for this year. I could go on (and on and on) but most of the things I am grateful for fall under one of those headings. Do you have a Great-fuls list and if you do, what's on it?