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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Writing keeps my head from exploding.

     One of my readers asked me the other day exactly what the process is that I go through when I write any of the insanity that spews forth from my headparts.  Since many others have asked that same question in the past, I decided that it was time to bequeath to everyone exactly what
is.  I hope every one is ready because once you learn all of this there is no turning back.
Get off your lazy Arse and work!

     So the creative process always starts the same way.  I am minding my own business and innocently (Okay maybe not innocently) going about my day when suddenly one of the tiny blue Gnomes living inside my brain suddenly hits me with something very heavy and painful.  After repeated bashings have gotten my attention, he or she (I am an equal opportunity type person) screams in my ear, "Hey wouldn't this be a great idea for a story/article/rant?"
     I have often tried to ignore this, but experience has taught me it is generally much less painful simply to give in, stop whatever nonsense I am doing and write what my tormentors are forcing me to write.
Leesee maybe I should write all this down...Nahh!

     Now, anyone who has ever taken any sort of writing course knows that the next logical step in the creative process is to make at least a crude outline of the concept, characters etc so that the writer has something to reference as he works.  Me personally, I hardly ever touch the stuff.  Since the hammer wielding blue Gnomes have already worked out the details and spilled it all into my headparts, I generally am stuck simply transcribing the stuff into physical (E?) form.  Sometimes, if it is a particularly long piece, I may create an outline later on because by then the Gnomes have lost interest and moved onto other torments.
     Generally when I writing something, the whole story appears in my head from beginning to middle to end.  Now this doesn't mean word for word, but I know how the book begins, what  happens in it and how it ends.  I know who all the driving characters in the story are and what their back stories are.  Really it is simply a matter of "fill in the blanks."  I have been told by many of my Author Friends that this makes me unusual.  Sorry, I am perfectly normal.  However the Blue Hammer Wielding Battle Gnomes inside my brain are a little odd, but they won't leave.
      People are always telling me that "Writing isn't hard."  They mutter "Well I could write a book if I really wanted to."  Truth be told, with the abundance of E-books being put out through free publishing companies such as Amazon and Smashwords, I can honestly agree with them now.  I have read some truly amazing Independently produced E-books and I have read some truly horrendous stinkers.  (Don't even get me started on the "Author" who published dozens of classic novels as her own works by simply changing the name and gender of the main character.  Joan Carter, Warlord of Mars anyone?)
     Anyone can write a book/short story and I encourage every single person to try.  You might not become a best selling author.  Hell you might not sell a single story, but you can at least try.  The modern E-publishing craze gives even the most inexperienced author a massive audience to appeal to.  The trick is to simply sit down and do it.  You can read a hundred "How to" pieces and most of the time they will be about as helpful as this silly little piece.  It is totally up to you, but keep in mind the wise words of a Muppet.  "Do or Do not.  There is no try."  I mean the worst that is going to happen is that someone like me might make fun of you.
Brew long and prosper

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