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Friday, April 5, 2013

Bean there, brewed that

     I am not a morning person.  Anyone who knows me is well aware of that fact.  I also am a huge (no fat jokes please) coffee drinker and fan.  Now you might be asking yourself exactly what these two things have in common?  Now that is a very good question indeed.
     Well this week my wife and I have been roaming around the wilds of DC trying to find a nice house we can comfortably live in once she transfers here.  Our mornings start at about seven or eight am and pretty much keeps going all day.  Needless to say that this is not an easy journey for a morning-a-phobe like me.
     Every morning I stumble out of our bed and struggle towards the kitchen type place.          I start the magic brewing machine and groggily wait for the elixer of life to appear.  Once I partake of that magical drink. the world seems much clearer and nicer.  I suddenly have the strength to make it through the day.
     People accuse me of being an addict.  I describe myself as a Caffiend (Get it?).  I don`t deny it.  I drink 2 to 4 pots of coffee a day.  Pretty sure that if coffee didnt exist then I probably be a lot less functional.
     A wise man once told me that everyone has an addiction.  The trick is to find one that isnt harmful.  Coffee is my addiction.  I could live without it but choose not to.  My addiction has many benificial effects and not so many negatives.  It helps keep me going and harms no one else.
     I call coffee the greatest bean in the world.  My addiction and my passion.  Keep reading to learn more about my passions and world.

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