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Monday, April 15, 2013

An Apology and a Prayer

     A horrible event has happened.  A Madman has killed and injured people.  The whole country is in shock and searching for answers and truth in the midst of fear and confusion.  This is not the time for finger pointing or blaming putting.  All of that can wait till tomorrow.  All we need to do right now is accept the fact that a Tragedy has occurred and lives have been shattered.
     I found myself coming to that realization during one of the usual lively conversations/discussions that I so often encounter with my friends on Facebook.  I climbed up on my O.D.D. (Oration Deployment Device) Mark III (shaped oddly like a soapbox) and gave forth my opinion on another person's comments.  Whether I was right or whether the other person was right isn't the issue.  This isn't a time for arguments.  All we need to do today is mourn our dead and pray for those who lived.  Everything else can wait.
     Whatever your faith, pray.  Whatever your beliefs, remember.  Never forget.

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