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Monday, January 6, 2014

Ohh fly like an the sea!

(Author's note: Some of my readers might take this blog as some sort of commentary about the “Nanny State System” that many people claim exists and is perpetuated in many nations wherein the Government assumes responsibility for all forms of peoples' lives to keep them in a form of perpetual slavery or at least serfdom. WAVES AT TC! But this little missive has nothing to do with any of those controversial subjects, it is just a thought I recently had concerning man and nature. Don't try and read too much into it, kay? Anyways, onward and downward!)
So I recently had a seasonal job working at a Mall Kiosk in Fairfax, VA. Our kiosk was situated directly in the center of the mall on the main floor. From the booth you could literally see 80% of the mall. For a people watcher like me it was an incredible opportunity to observe dozens of different cultures and beliefs all interacting with each other by the hundreds. I observed enough to keep me in blogs for months. However, one of the things that amazed and inspired me the most were dozens of little birds that apparently live inside the mall.
In the past I have observed very large stores and such that occasionally have one or two birds flitting around them that have made their way inside from open doors or loading docks. However the mall I was working at had dozens of birds of at least two different species happily living in the light fixtures, roof ledges and signage. I am no avid birder, but I am certain there were at least two different types of birds in at least two separate flocks. Judging from the wide differences in size I would suspect there were multiple generations living there which means this has been going on for years at the very least.
Now this got me pondering these birds and their existence. You would imagine that the first few birds that made it inside and never left missed the wide open skies and the freedom to fly where ever they wished. They probably enjoyed the easy and continuous food offerings left on the food court tables or in the trash cans, but sure they missed being outside? It is in their very nature to fly free and far.
Now fast forward several generations to a new group of birds who have never seen the open sky or been free to fly for dozens of miles whenever they wish. All they have known is the (admittedly vast) open areas of the mall. They have never felt rain or snow and they have never had to dig in the dirt for their dinner. All they have ever known is the constant climate controlled environment of the mall and the leftovers on tables and in trash cans.
If behaviorists are to believed, most animals have within them a sort of genetic or “racial memory” that gives them certain abilities on a instinctual level. So if that is true, on some level these new birds “remember” the way things should be. Like their parents and grandparent, they know they are meant to fly the open skies unobstructed by walls and windows. Of course they also remember freezing cold, nasty storms and desperately trying to find food.
So you have to wonder, if they actually “remember” it all? More importantly, If they do remember, DO THEY MISS IT? Do they long from wide open spaces filled with bad weather and spotty food supply or do they look back on the things their folks suffered through while munching on a stale pretzel in a comfy 70 degrees and chuckle to themselves. Do they wish to experience the worlds of their ancestors or just nod quietly to the tales of ice and cold worms while giving thanks to Horus that they were born in a more enlightened age?
Hey if you were looking for some deep insightful musing to tie this all together, then I will have to disappoint you. Just something that tracked through my mind at 9am while trying to sell pears and apples to people. Does kind of make you wonder exactly what determines being “free” though. Keep em flying folks!
Brew Long and Prosper

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