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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New toy, new toy!

I have to admit that I am a major geek when it comes to gadgets and gizmos. I play video games like Pokemon and such because none of that stuff was even science fiction when I was a kid. I watch cartoons all the time and freak when the latest sci-fi fantasy movie comes out. So now I have discovered a new (ok new to me) gizmo that does for coffee and tea drinkers what computers did for video games.

Yes Brother and Sister Coffee Lovers I am talking about my brand spanking new Tassimo single serve machine. With all the ease of tying your shoe, it lets you brew a huge variety of coffees and teas plus hot chocolate and cocoa. You just fill up the tank in the back, click a tiny little coffee coin into the slot, turn it on and poof you've got a hot cuppa filled with a latte, cappuccino or hot tea. When you are done, you simply pop the old cartridge out and toss it. (I take any extra moment to dump the grounds/leafs from the cartridge into my compost holder, but that's me)

Now to add to this amazing thing, from this day on, I will receive coffees and teas shipped directly to my door directly from the company. How much more excellent can you get than that?

So yes, it is a good time to be alive and be a coffee drinker. (Course come to think of it, pretty much anytime is a good time to be alive.) Be prepared my Caffeinated Brothers and Sisters, because the Revolution is upon us! Viva Caffiends everywhere!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Drink Coffee, Fight Cancer

As the above video shows, my beloved bean has, once again, shown just how powerful and wonderful it is. Not only does the soothing beverage of Coffee help keep the world running smoothly and help us fight the urge to beat the crap out of someone, it has now been proven that coffee, decaf or regular, can reduce the chance of colon cancer 60%. That's right folks, 60%! The study shows that drinking six cups of Joe a day can help keep you from dying. (Wow if its cumulative, then my percentage of protection is probably closer to 125%)

Now this is on top of previous research that shows that coffee can help regulate insulin in the body and even prevent diabetes all together. It has also been shown to help combat Parkinson's and other degenerative brain and nervous disorders. So many things that the might bean does!

So don't just sit there drinking your cola or beer! Pick up a cuppa or four and make yourself healthier. Drink coffee, save lives!