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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Random Acts Of Kindness 2013!

     A few years ago, I was hooked on an online website/game called Neopets.  If you've never played there, I won't even try to go into what it is and what it is like.  Suffice it to say it is kind of a cross between Pokemon and...way to much to explain.  I haven't played in years and probably can't even remember my password to get back on the site, but at the time I loved it.
     On the site we have "Guilds" where people could get together online and post comments and ideas.  One of the members had multiple accounts because she loved the game so much.  One of them was known as RAOK or Random Acts Of Kindness.  Once a week, this account would randomly do really nice things for people in the guild and on the site.  She never advertised it or asked for anything in return.  It was just her way of making the world a little bit better and nicer.  I loved that about her.
     The above video got me thinking about that again.  Yes it is a theatrically produced piece with actors, but it shows how a simple act can lead to a chain of kindness that can make everyone's day a little bit better.
     Everyday we see news reports on some new horror.  Women kidnapped and tortured, infants being murdered and violent act after violent act.  It is enough to shake anyone down to their core.  We see the absolute worse that humanity can produce smeared across big banner headlines and we grieve for the human race.
     We hardly ever see news reports about things like the above link.  We rarely hear praise being sung because someone just took the time to be nice to someone.  In this stilted culture we live in, evil is big news and kindness is ignored.  
     Well, just for this week (well the next 7 days) and in honor of a wonderful woman who's real name I never knew, I am declaring 7 DAYS OF RAOK!  Don't worry, participation in this event isn't hard.  Hell some of you do it every day without even thinking about it.  It is simple.  Sometime in the next 7 days, do something nice for someone without any expectation of thanks or rewards.  Do one simple thing to make someone, anyone's day a little bit better.  It doesn't have to be anything big or complicated.  Open a door for someone, help someone with their groceries or just smile broadly and say, "Good Morning!"
     I have no expectation that this will change the world.  I don't expect everyone who participates to continue.  I just want everyone to try for a little bit to make peoples' lives a little better.  It won't change the world, but it might just change theirs and yours a little bit.  What do you have to lose besides a couple of seconds of your time.
Brew Long and Prosper

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