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Sunday, May 26, 2013

What would Jesus do...for a Klondike bar or THE GAY GENE!

     So I have started reading a very interesting book called Heaven 2.0.  Without giving too much away, it is set in the distant future where the main religions of Man have united under one single Church and essentially rule the galaxy.  Everyone is happy, healthy and STRAIGHT!  Apparently a few hundred years before the story, the Church discovered that what a lot of people are claiming today is true and that Gayness is a biological condition.  Unfortunately, much like Cancer, the Church saw this biological condition as a dangerous thing and found a cure for it.  That's right folks, they cured Gay.  So much for the great parades.
     Anyho, that got me thinking.  Most people feel that the jury is still out on Born Gay/Becoming Gay.  (I of course have my opinions which are well known or they would be if you bought my books and actually read these blogs.)  However, I pondered exactly what the Church (Insert your favorite poison here) would do and how it would react if it were to be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that People were actually born Gay or Straight?  If, in fact, the GAY GENE were ever proven, how would the Church "Gee being Gay is a choice and a perversion of nature" deal?
     Most Holy Type Books (HTB for short) agree that the Big Happy Sky Guy (BHSG) created man and woman (Remember folks, it is Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.  Or was it Adam and Melvin?  I get confused.) in his own image.  If Homosexuality is indeed a horrible sin and crime against nature, then why put that little bit of rogue programming in there?  You would think that if God really despised Gays like the good folks (cough cough) at the Westboro Baptist Church would have us believe, then wouldn't it make more sense to just leave that one out?
     Now logically (and I use that word very lightly here) speaking, there could be a couple of answers the Church could cling to.  They could cling to the good old fashioned "Well God gave man free will, so even though the temptation is there, they should still choose the correct path."  Course if it is genetic, then saying that would be like saying, "Well God made the majority of people right handed, but they still could have chosen to be left handed."  (As a humorous aside to this...well humorous aside, I might add that way back when I was in my teens, I did indeed teach myself to use my left hand as well as my right.  Still can write almost as well with my left hand.)  Much like many things I see in religions, I feel that if BHSG did indeed make the Gay Gene and still made Gayness a sin, then he was cruelly stacking the deck against us, but hey we can use that argument.
     Now the second argument is a little dicier.  One could argue that God didn't make the Gay Gene, but that Satan did.  After all if Gayness is a sin, then wouldn't it suit Old Scratch's evil plans to slip a Mickey in to mess things up.  This argument is trickier, because most religions argue that Man is God's greatest creations.  So it seems unlikely that Satan could tamper with it.  Try to trick it yes and try to lead it astray yes, but actually alter the way it works?  Think BHSG might have some objections to that.  So the argument that Lucifer pulled a fast one seems a little unlikely.
     Now I am not trying to peeve anyone off (That is what the other blog is for) or question your basic religious tenets.  I am not even trying (well maybe a little bit) to make fun of religion.  I am really curious exactly how the various Churches and Church Leaders would react if some day in the near future, it is discovered that there is indeed a biological reason why some people are...different.  I would love to hear the opinions of anyone out there especially those involved with religions.  Let me know what you think.  (Remember this is a hypothetical exercise)

Brew long and prosper!

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