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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pondering the Imponderable

My wonderful wife and I had a fight last night. What it was about really isn't important, but it was a pretty rough one. I'd say that on the GDS (That's Grand Doozy Scale) of 1-10, this one prolly deserved a GDS 7.9. Like our fights often do, this one made me think about stuff that I don't ordinarily ponder. My wife made the comment that she was jealous of me.
Needless to say, my mind was officially boggled. My wife is intelligent and very talented with a fantastic job that has kept us financially sound in a period of time where so many people are losing everything. She funny and compassionate with a truly wicked sense of humor. She is, put very simply, AMAZING. So here was this amazing person telling me that she was jealous of me.
Little background for those just joining the blog. I am slightly past fifty, balding and graying. I am legally blind without my glasses and have more join pain than retired Rockettes. I have been without a steady job for well over 5 years and I am also a Diabetic. So I really didn't see much for her to be jealous of.
She explained that unlike 90% in the world, I got to sit down every single day and do work that I truly love. She explained that even though what I did definitely qualified as work, it was a labor of love and that I have been lucky enough to do it since I was 16 years old.
For the record, I am an Author. My first article was published when I was 16 in the wonderful old youth paper, The GRIT. It was entitled “If you don't vote, don't complain.” It earned me a whopping $35.00 which was too bad for a teenager in the Deep South back then. It also gained me some notable fame at School. So needless to say, my path was set for the rest of my life.
Now I am the proud author of four different books, a half dozen short stories and more articles than even I can remember. No I haven't gotten rich off of it (Yet) or had a best seller (Yet), but I have been able to do the thing I love (and sometimes loath) for a very long time. Hundred of people have read my books and a truly mind blowing number people world wide read my two blogs.
I can sit down anytime during the day or night and do something that is not only my calling, but a thing I love. I put down the crazy ideas, worlds and creatures that inhabit my mind and people actually pay me money to read about them. Sure I have had crap jobs in the past (Most of them actually) and will hopefully have another job in the very near future. Yes I have often had to wade through the morass of human stupidity and obstinacy just to pull in a minimum wage job. However, unlike so many people, I have the pleasure of knowing that my real career is so much more than that.
So my wife revealed to me that SHE was jealous of me. My headparts are still aching over that revelation, but I think I understand now. Makes me wonder just how many people out there feel like that. I kind of feel like this is a wake up call for me. Most days, the worlds I create and the things I type come so easily that I don't even think about it all. Even over the past year or so when things didn't flow as easily as they could, I still never pondered how lucky I was to have this gift. In the end, my amazing wife made me think yet again. That is one of the things I love about her.
My final message for the day is simple. If you are lucky enough, blessed enough to be doing something that you truly love, try to remember to be grateful for it. It doesn't matter what it is or how much money it brings you. If you do what you love every single day, be happy for it. You have no idea how many people look upon you with envy.
Brew Long and Prosper
Postscript: Like I mention sometimes, my readership both here and in the Sometimes Its Okay To Be An Ass blog is truly mind blowing at times. A huge number of people in dozens of different countries “listen” to my words every day. I would love to hear from more of you in the comments section to see what you think and hear what you like. Please take a moment or two to make a comment. Thanks!

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