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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Making a leap (Okay Drive) of faith.
Turn left at the fork in the road.
You know how so many times you do something or plan something and you silently (or not so silently) pray to whatever powers that may be for a sign that what you are doing is the right thing to do? You fret over whether you are making the right decision and look every where around you for some indication that you are on the right path? More often then not, we don't ever see that sign and blunder on ahead doing the best we can.
Well, my wife and I recently made a massive leap of faith by moving 800 miles from our previous home to our new one. We did it not knowing if I would be able to find a job here. We did it without being able to sell our old home even though we had to buy a new one once we got here. (Just so you get it, that's two house notes on one salary.) We did something that all logic told us was a very bad idea, but we went ahead and did it anyway.
I like foxes, he is leaping.  Deal with it.

The reasons why we decided to make this leap aren't really important. Suffice it to say we hoped that our situations would improve even with the risks and move on. So we made the move and immediately so many things started trying to tell me this was a bad idea. On the day we were to close on the new house, we drove overnight to get here, but were told we couldn't close because the paperwork wasn't ready. The company that was supposed to move our furniture decided that they couldn't move us, but no one informed us of this until I was halfway back to our old home to meet the movers. The garbage disposal in the new house broke the day we moved in. I could go on, but you get the idea.
So you can understand our trepidation over the past two weeks. So many things seemed to be telling us that we had made the worst mistake of our lives. (and folks, believe me when I say that is saying a lot when speaking about me personally.) We are still worried, but several signs have popped up that tell me that we made the right decision. Not huge signs, but positive indications all the same.
I am a Diabetic and before we moved, my Blood Sugar levels were all over the place and were often to high for good health. In the two weeks since we have been firmly moved in, except for one or two days, my sugar levels have been solidly in the normal range no matter what I eat. I haven't changed my eating habits or my exercise habits, but I believe the lack of stress I am experiencing is helping me be a healthier person.
Okay so from the sublime to the somewhat silly. Another sign I have seen is a potty issue. Our oldest cat, Willow has had severe litter box avoidance issues for a decade. For a very long time, she would poo and pee everywhere but the litter boxes. It didn't matter if they were clean or dirty, she would avoid them. We were jubilant when we finally managed to coax her into peeing in the boxes. Still pooed on the floor but the pee went inside.
(As a humorous aside here, we did for a very brief time, find a cat litter that she liked so much that she would use the litter box for everything, but of course the company went out of business. Go figure.)
Since we moved to the new house, she has actually been pooing as well as peeing in the litter boxes. There was a period of backsliding, but she seems to be working through it. She has essentially broken a decade long pattern of behavior since we moved up here and the only thing we have changed is her location. Like I said, it is a silly sign, but I see it as a positive sign anyway.
Things could still go horribly wrong with all of this, but I guess you can say that about any huge decision. I still have my doubts and my fears, but I think that we made the right choice. My Daddy always said, “Bobby, if doing the right thing was easy, everyone would do it.” Making this decision wasn't easy, but we did it and I think everything is going to work out fine.
Brew Long and Prosper

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