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Friday, August 23, 2013

Patience comes to those who wait.

(With apologies if this post is less cohyerent than others since I am blogging from my Kindle Keyboard.  No spell or grammar check here.  Anyhoo. onward and upward)
    For those who follow my blogs, you know that my family recently began a seven hundred move from GA to our nations capital and that the move has been anything but easy.  I have lost track of how many 1400+ round trips we have made trying to get everything moved and sorted out.  The exact details are more suited to my Ass Blog but suffice it to say that it has been one disaster after another.
     Most of you dont know but I have recently started a new spiritual journey.  Church, prayer and the whole lot though hopeful my city will not be consumed in flames or my wife turned to a pillar of salt.  (Little bible humor there)  It hasnt been easy since I have never been big on going with faith.  But I think it as taught me a few lessons in patience along the way.
     So because of the many lessons, this latest and God willing last moving trip has produced practically no stress at all.  I did have one brief grumpy moment when the packers refused to pack my fish tanks but it faded fast.  So when the movers did not show up exactly at eight this morning there was a brief moment of paranoia and anger but it quickly faded.  I realizec the was nothing to be stressed about.
     Basically either one of two scerariosd would play out.  #1:  The movers would show up eventually anhd move our stuff or #2:  we would have to rent a truck and grab some frieds and move it ourselves.  The packers came yesterday and di the hard part so moving wouldnt be hard or moving in to the new house wouldnt be hard.  We have already been blessed with a wealth of offers to help.  My wifes best friend volunteered her entire family and two churchy congregations and myBrothers Ben and Shag offered to help.
     So I quickly realized there was absolutely no reason to worry or stress about the movers, moving or getting moved.  So apparently I am learning the values of patience. Only took me five decades but at least I am Learning.

Brew Long and Prosper

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