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Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Everyone has some special day or time. You know, where something amazing happened that makes the day truly stand out from all of the others you have been through. The most common ones I can think of are the birth of a child or finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. You remember these times and you think, “Holy Cow, did that really happen to me?” They make you give thanks to a kind and generous Universe for the gift it has given you.
May 15th, 2000 at around Noonish time is that day for me. On that day, the most amazing woman who has ever lived finally (after many years of begging) stood beside me in a simple room surrounded by friends and family and said, “I do.” In slightly less than a month, we will celebrate our 14th Anniversary and it is my goal to do several blogs to explain the impossible miracle that occurred when the woman who would become my Wife lost her bloody mind and decided she actually liked me enough to marry me.
My wife is 13 years younger than me, much more intelligent and has much better tastes so it always boggles my mind that she ever decided to be my friend. The idea that she somehow got it into her mind that she could possibly love a broken down old guy like myself still amazes me. There are many hilarious stories surrounding our friendship, my frustrations and our eventual courtship and if you are very lucky I might go into them during one or two of these little pieces.
I can honestly say that there are many people who see the two of us together and ponder out loud, “What could she possibly see in him?” To tell the truth, I sometimes look in the mirror and wonder the same thing. I can never really understand how she fell in love with me in the first place and really don't understand how she has managed to stay with me all of these years through all of the trials and tribulations we have been through.
So over the next few weeks, I am going to ramble on and on about all of the amazing things that make up my wonderful wife and all of the impossible situations we have been through together. If you don't want to read post after post of how incredible the woman I married is, please feel free to skip to posts starting after May 15th. If you want to hear about how even the most broken down old reprobate can find love and happiness against all odds, please feel free to keep reading as the days go on. I promise you won't be bored or disappointed.
Brew long and prosper