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Thursday, June 30, 2011

A perfect life

Okay here is a few things about me that some people know and some don't. I have Diabetes. I have been unemployed for going 4 years now. I am legally blind in both eyes and would be completely screwed if not for glasses. I have knees that are so badly messed up from high school football that me walking sounds like rice krispies in milk. I am 60 pounds overweight. I have the perfect life.

I am betting that last one threw everyone off after the first statements, but it is true. I have a life that most people would be envious of and many would probably kill for. How can this be so, you may ask. (Well hopefully you are asking because if you aren't it makes this blog pointless) The first few statements are pretty grim so what could possibly make me think I have the perfect life? Read on and you will understand.

Let's deal with the big one. I have diabetes. That's pretty big and believe me I was blown away when I found out. However, thanks to modern medicines, diet and exercise not to mention the support of good friends and family, my diabetes is completely under control and I have suffered no health complications because of it. (Knock on wood) I have the very real, very possible chance of one day getting off of the medications entirely and leading (what passes for) a normal life. So all is hoopla there.

Eyesight we will skip because it is no biggie. As for the knees, sure I messed them up and will suffer for the rest of my life because of it, but I had the time of my life playing alongside some amazing people so I can live with that.

I can hear what you're thinking, "Wow, 60 pounds overweight! What a slob." All I can say in my defense is two years ago, I weighed 130 pounds more than I do now. With tons of exercise, tight control over what I eat and drink and a whole lot of effort, I lost all that weight and fully intend on losing the remaining 60 by next year. So yes, I am overweight, but I can promise you that I am much better shape than many people and my health has never been better.

"Okay, fine," you might say. Then you will happily point out the out of work thing and you are right. Being out of work sucks. The loss of the extra money, the feelings of uselessness and the sheer boredom are the pits. I wish every day that I had a job, even a crappy one. However, thanks to my amazing wife's hard work and dedication things are pretty incredible despite my lack of employment. We have a wonderful house and plenty of food to eat. We have health insurance if we get sick and even have a brand new car to sport around town in. We are in no danger of going hungry, being homeless or having to walk 50 miles to work uphill both ways in the snow. (Yes I know I live in Georgia) In a time of extreme economic uncertainty for most of the country, we are safe, comfortable and happy.

There are two final conditions that make my life perfect. 1. I am married to the most amazing woman who ever lived. She is smart, talented and beautiful. She works hard everyday and rarely complains. Her brilliance is the reason why, in a few short years, we will be 95% debt free. She is everything I ever wanted in a wife and quite a few things I never imagined. I love her and amazingly enough she loves me. That alone would make my life perfect.

2. I have the good Lord above watching over me and mine. His guidance in recent times has been invaluable. I know that no matter how hard things get, how much we struggle, He is always there watching. The list of things I have to thank Him for is far to long to put in this blog, but I thank Him anyway. I know that no matter how far I fall, He will always be there to lift me up and dust me off. Knowing this, how can my life not be perfect.

I guess what I am trying to say in this seemingly self serving and sappy blog is this. No matter how bad you think things are. No matter how bad you think they are going to get, always remember that there may well be things in your life that make things better. You can have the "perfect life" without things being perfect. Never forget that.

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