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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Welcome to the new American Revolution

This probably seems like a strange venue to be speaking about revolutions and striking back against the government, but since all of this came about because a bunch of tired, angry Rednecks started joking around about tailgating Congress and "Taking back America one rib at a time" it seems strangely appropriate to talk about it here.

So here is the basic idea behind the "Tailgate Revolution." (Facebook page The American Government is broke, can't be fixed and something needs to be done about it. Unlike politicians and pundits, we aren't going to stand around and gripe about it, blame other people and ask for money. Griping hasn't done any good, we all share the blame for this mess and...well honestly who'd give a bunch of crazy Rednecks money. (If so inclined we will take small unmarked bills however.)

Our goal is to gather as many people together as we can and send a message to the President, Congress and the Senate that is uniquely our own. Some time this summer, once we have gathered as many Brothers and Sisters as we can, we intend to flock (Do Rednecks flock? Gaggle...) to DC and stage the first ever Tailgate Revolution! By showing up in the thousands and simply peacefully protesting (Okay grilling, barbecuing, deep frying etc) before these great halls of power and basically making a nuisance of ourselves, we are going to show the powers that be that the basic building blocks of America (Lower and Middle Class citizens) are sick and damned tired of all the bullcrap that is going on.)

Traditonally, Revolutions are generally started when People of power aren't satisfied with what the other People of Power are doing, so they overthrow those people and put themselves in charge. The Revolutionary War was started because a bunch of Rich, White Men decided they didn't like what another bunch of rich white men were doing to them. The Civil War started the same way (No matter what you believe the causes were) when a bunch of (Once again) rich white dudes didn't like what a bunch of other rich white dudes were planning.

So (With some notable exceptions) the history of revolutions really hasn't done much for the non-rich people and, for the most part, they weren't really consulted about it. Well, here is the new American Revolution which is being planned by a bunch of people who struggle with their bills, worry about the next paycheck and probably think owning stock means buying chickens.

We are going to send a clear message to the government. Will it do any good? Will change come about because of it? Who knows? We hope so, but only time will tell. But hey, even if nothing changes this time, we will still be around to try again and again. In the mean time, there will be plenty of ribs, steaks and turkeys cooked and lots of fun had by all. Join us! Let's send that message!

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