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Monday, June 20, 2011

Just fishing

These weekend, I spent a morning standing in the hot sun with little or no shade. I spent 5 hours sweating, being attacked by Skeeters, Gnats and more than a few ants. I got badly sunburned on my neck and the back of my head, plus cut my hand in at least two places. By the time I was done, I was hot, sweaty and more than a little dehydrated. It was one of the best days of my life.

During this torture, I spent 5 hours with one of my oldest friends (still living anyways) talking about everything from hunting to politics. I was with someone that I didn't have to mince words with or dumb down my conversation for. I could say what I wanted the way I wanted and not worry about hurting his feelings. We haven't really spent any time together for the better part of two decades and have only had brief contact since finding each other again on the Net, but that morning you wouldn't have been able to tell it. We were just as comfortable with each other as we had been back in college days. We literally picked up from where we left off without the least bit of effort.

So, what that does that say about our friendship? Simple, its solid and everlasting. He is one of three or four people that I know I can call on in an emergency and he will be there for me. He is one of maybe two friends that if I were to call up and say, "I just killed someone." the only question he'd probably ask was "Need help hiding the body."

I make some small claim to intelligence. I'd post my IQ here but in reality those numbers have very little meaning. For instance, I suck at math so my score is lower than it could be, but that doesn't make me any less intelligent. The only reason I mention this today is because my friend is easily my intellectual and creative equal. He is a brilliant writer/author/social commentator with three books under his belt. His humor reminds of me Will Rogers and Mark Twain with a little Lewis Grizzard thrown in for good measure. So spending 5 hours with him fishing for Bream and Bass was fantastic. Getting to spend lunch with his amazing family was just an added bonus.

So to sum it all up: Friend/Fishing/Fun. Nuff said!
(For those who are curious, the cooler of fish we caught came out to about five pounds of fresh fish after I got them cleaned and prepped.)

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