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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Balance? What's that, Daddy?

          A wise man once told me that there are two sides to every argument and that the truth generally lies somewhere in between.  Humans are creatures of extremes.  We very rarely meet the truth in any subject in its own territory.  No matter what the subject is, there is Their side vs Our side and never the twain shall met (or is that the mane shall tweet?  I always get those two mixed up.) and both sides will call the other side liars, bigots, heretics etc as loud as they can.  If Side A has facts, Side B ignores them and vice versa.  Doesn't matter if the facts are correct, cause "they" are preaching them.

          Instead of delving into politics or religion, lets take a purely hypothetical situation.  The Proposition?  Gamma Rays from Planet X cause mutations in mushrooms that cause them to become ravenous monsters that eat red headed politicians.  Now Side A receives huge funding from Planet X in return for them lobbying to allow X to beam its Gamma Rays into Earth's Atmosphere.  They preach that the rays are completely harmless and the giant mushrooms rampaging in the streets are some form of mass hallucination.  Side A receives huge amounts of funds from Red Head Politicians who quite rightly fear for their lives from the rampaging mutant meat eating mushrooms.  Side B preaches that X is evil and plans on conquering the Earth once the Mutant Mushrooms devour our last line of defense, Red Headed Politicians.
          Now a small group of independent and very dedicated scientists discover that the aforementioned Mutant Mushrooms aren't actually devouring Earthly Red Headed Politicians but snarfing up evil shapeshifting invaders from Planet Y who have been sent down here to infiltrate and destroy our way of life.  The Mutant Mushrooms aren't eating people, they are eating evil alien invaders.
          So here you have a situation where both sides have some of the facts.  X Gamma Rays are indeed mutating Earthly fungus and the Fungus is indeed eating red headed politicians.  Both sides are missing the information that the Middle Group has so one would think that when the MG reveals their facts, both sides will rejoice.  Side A could rejoice in the fact tha X Gamma Rays aren't doing any damage to the Earth and Side B could rejoice that actual Red headed Politicians aren't being eaten.  However, as history proves time and again, what will happen is that both A and B will renounce MG's findings because those findings contradict their own.  MG will be belittled and reduced to a laughing stock that is completely ignored.  Man would rather go down the proverbial crapper than ever admit that he or she could be wrong.
          Things are never going to be fixed on this mudball until all sides can stop, look around and realize that they don't have all the answers.  No great project or problem in the entire history of...well history has ever been solved without everyone working together.  It is possible for us to fix pretty much every problem faced by the world today if we all just step down from our high horses/soap boxes and listen to one another.  I pray to God in all of his kindness and wisdom that we can do that, because if we can't we are royally screwed. 
          Since I think that I completely lost the train of this blog somewhere along the line, I will apologize by showing you a picture of a puppy.  God Bless Everyone.

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