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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Where did it all come from?


Crash, bang boom!
           So I was watching a science video by a "Prominent Harvard Astrophysicist earlier (Yes I watch science videos, get over it) and he was speaking at great length with excellent visual aids about how Scientists are 99.99999% certain that all life on Earth arrived here in the form of tiny little microbes.  These microbes arrived on one of the uncountable number of meteorites that bombarded the newly forming planet way back when.  These hitchhikers would later evolve into the myriad number of plants, animals and insects that we know today.  He stated quite categorically that once the final tidbits of proof had been found, the "fantasy" of a Deity would finally be eliminated from our minds.

           Now this got me thinking which as anyone who knows me can tell you is a dangerous thing.  I had to ponder a very important question.  What if he is right?  What if instead of God coming down, making a nice comfy place to hang out, making animules and plants to enjoy and some homies to hang out with, Magic Microbes from Outer Space (Hey there might be a movie in that) made it all happen?  What if all the stories from all the religions and their varied texts are nothing but nifty tales we made up to understand the world around us.  In short, what if all the religions in all the world were basically wrong?
          Pretty heave stuff, right?  Let me tell you it made my headparts hurt something fierce.  I have my own religious beliefs and anyone who knows me knows what they are, but I admit that I have had doubts time and time again.  So here I was pondering this very learned man's idea that everything I believe in was wrong and I admit I am man enough to face this very depressing idea.  So I did.  For all of ten minutes I pondered what he had said and I found myself thinking that it at least a plausible idea.  However I did find one teensy weensy flaw in his excellent reasoning and its the same flaw that has come to me every single time I have heard this tripe before.  And like it always does that single thought made me feel better and I went back to working in my new garden.

          You ready for my thought?  Are you sure?  Think hard cause there is no turning back.  Okay here it is.  I believe, at least in theory, that Science may one day disprove Religions.  After all, Religions are just the transcribed words of God that we have formed into a codified belief system.  I mean, think about.  God himself did not write the books of the Bible (Torah, Talmud, Necronomicon etc)  He just hung out with his creations, talked to them and told them the way that he thought things should be.  The Holy Books of Man (with the possible exceptions of the Ten Commandments being blasted from stone and the Silver Disks arriving engraved and ready for shipping) were all written, rewritten and translated God only knows how many times over the Millennia.  Somewhere, someone had to have gotten it wrong.  Hell, by the very nature of the beast (Pun intended) only one of the religions on Earth can actually be right.  The rest have to be either misinterpretations or outright fabrications.  That is just the way it works.  So it is possible that everyone got it wrong and life began just the way this man said it did.
          Now that said, I come to the question that makes me smile when these know it all Atheists claim that there is no God.  If life here or anywhere else in the universe came from microbes raining down from space.  If the entire history of our world was never gifted with divine guidance.  If indeed all of the religious beliefs  in all the world are wrong.  I just have one question for you sitting in your air conditioned office with your snarky attitude.  (Ready for the question?  Its a doozy!)
Where did the Microbes come from?
To quote the great Stan Lee, "Nuff said."

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the old joke about the scientists who said they had finally unraveled all of the mysteries of live and could create a human from the dust without the help of God. They went so far as to challenge God to a contest to see who could do the better job. God accepted. As the scientists leaned down to scoop up some 'building materials', God said, 'Hey, wait a minute. Go get your own dirt.'

    Somewhere, somehow, everything we see was created from nothing. We humans can disagree about the nature of the creative force - whether he's benevolent or malevolent, involved or detached, eternal or ephemeral - but such a creative force must exist, and the English word for this force is no less than God.
