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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Riches beyond the dreams of Avarice

Quick back story to frame this properly in your minds.  Most of you know I am a Diabetic.  Thanks to Insulin, Meds, loads of exercise and the grace of God, my condition is basically under control.  Much like anything else, I have good days and bad days and HOLY CRAP days.  Friday was essentially one of the last kind of days.  It was probably one of the most stressful and scary days in my life (Minus the time I was dragged behind my Granddaddy's truck for 3/4s of a mile when I was six.  Long story and if you guys are really interested, I will tell it in a future post.)

I was scheduled to run out of insulin Friday, but wasn't worried because the payment on our card that we use for expenses was supposed to go through Friday morning which would have given me plenty of time to get the new Insulin Pens by dose time Friday night.  Keep in mind the payment has always gone through on Fridays since we started paying it.  This time the payment did not go through till Saturday morning.  This left me without a dose of 60 units Thursday.  By 7ish that night, my blood sugar was spiking at 400+ (Healthy average is between 80-120), I was suffering from horrendous leg cramps, was jittery as hell and was crankier than you could possibly imagine.

Now needless to say (Since I am sitting here typing this) I am still alive.  My blood sugar is back down to the levels it is supposed to be and I feel fine.  I did wake up with all the symptoms of a hangover and withdrawal this morning since my body has not contained that much sugar in three years, but I feel 100% now  A very scary moment in a long life of scary moments (Boy could I tell you stories!) is over and every thing is Hoopla!

Which brings me to the actual point of this blog.  I posted a little funny post on FB about what happened not even really thinking about it.  Tonight, when I logged into FB I found responses from SIX different friends on FB telling me that I should never run out of Insulin and that if I needed them to they would loan/front/out right give me the money I needed to get doses.  Now three of the offers came from long time friends (College/Professional Colleagues) who I have known for a HUGE chunk of my life.  Those surprised me (Shouldn't have, but they did).  The other three were literally FB friends that I had never met, never spoke to or interacted with in anyway besides FB.  (For the record, they play Farmville so who says games are bad?)

It is a very wealthy man who has such friends.  To say I was touched would be the understatement of both the past and present Millennium. I may never be rich in money or possessions, but today proves beyond a shadow a doubt that I am wealthy in every that counts.  I won't risk embarrassing these friends by putting their names here, but I will say Thank You.

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