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Friday, October 11, 2013

Spellcheck, confessional 4!

File this one under, “I don't care who you are or what your faith is, this is just funny.” So the Vatican minted a brand spanking new coin to commemorate the New Pope. All shiny and sparkley , they were released to be sold in the Vatican Publishing House (Hey don't they have a sweepstakes?) so that the faithful can plunk down their money and get one. Just one problem, The Vatican (You know one of the really big Jesus/God fans) MISPELLED Jesus on the coin.
Now you have to ask yourself how bad the proofer had to be at his job to miss this little boo boo. Was he asleep on the job or maybe had a little to much communion wine? I mean, really, how badly do you have to suck at your job to miss the fact that someone got your Savior's name wrong. Some historians argue that Jesus' name was actually Yeshua but even if we take to be so, the name on the coin is still misspelled.
See to me, the Vatican misspelling Jesus' name is kind of like the US misspelling America on a coin. This guy was central and fundamental to the very core of your faith. Sure, the mistake was caught and most of the coins recalled before they were sold, but a few are still floating around out there making the Vatican look sloppy.
As an Author, I understand the importance of proofing and confirming (Don't always manage it, but I do understand it.) your work before releasing it out for everyone to see. I just think a tad more effort could have been put forth to at least get the name right.
Brew Long and Prosper

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