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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Taking a chance

Imagine you are a child who has never had a family of your own. Never a place to truly call Home. Imagine that you finally become so lonely and so desperate that you stand in front of a large group of people and abandon any pride you might have to literally beg someone, anyone to bring you into their family. Can you imagine the courage it must have taken to do this knowing that there was a good chance you would be ridiculed or even worse, refused?
Not long ago, one young man did exactly that. Davion Only appeared in front of his church congregation in a borrowed suit and literally begged. "I'll take anyone," Davion said. "Old or young, dad or mom, black, white, purple. I don't care. And I would be really appreciative. The best I could be." He took a massive chance knowing that the odds were against him. If that isn't courage then I don't know what is.
Well, despite the potential for backlash or rejection, it looks like this young man has a very good chance to finally get the home he has always dreamed of. After his story was told, literally 1000s of people inquired about possibly adopting him. Many of them have already been through the long and difficult vetting process that states require to adopt children and many others are in the process right now.
Even more amazing and wonderful is the fact that many of the people inquiring have voiced interest in adopting other children besides Only. So a brave young man's plea might not just give him a chance at a new home, but also might give other adoptable kids the same chance.
You are always hearing about how horrible people are in the news. Shock stories sell more Ad time than happy stories do. That is why you will never see a story about “Man saves truckload of kittens” in big banner type on the front page of most papers but can see “Man arrested with truckload of kittens destined to be bait animals in dog fights.” So it is always nice from time to time to find stories with no bad guys that actually say something positive about the Human Animal.
Only may not get adopted. Only the days to come will tell that story. However, he had the courage to stand up and ask, “Won't anyone love me?” He made people think and that is a good thing.
Brew Long and Prosper

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